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By the end of 2015 I knew the CCRC would reject my application, cover up their mistake and pervert the course of justice. I decided to report this to the police and I discussed it with an inspector. He told me he could not prove the CCRC intended to pervert the course of justice at that time and so could not act but I learned something else. The police had contacted the CCRC who wanted to know whether or not I had representation, if I had a lawyer. If I did the CCRC would have a problem, if not I could be ignored.

I couldn't afford a lawyer but I knew someone who could, Ian Nichol the Commissioner who had rejected the 2011 application so I contacted him through a school* where he was a Governor and suggested that he put right his mistake by lending me the money needed to get a lawyer.

I then got a letter from the CCRC stating that I had asked Nichol for money and that if I did it again I would be reported to the police.

I waited a few months and then wrote to both the school and the CCRC. I told the school why I didn't think Nichol was a fit person to be a school governor and the CCRC that I had called their bluff.

They didn't respond. They didn't call the police and they didn't sue me because

you can't sue someone for telling the truth.


* The Lawrence Sheriff School in Rugby.

Letter to Nichol

Proposal to


CCRC response

Second letter

to Nichol

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